¡Buenos días and hello! This your Northern Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday: There was more energy in the water this morning. Both the beach and beginner breaks were working. The best time to get out was early as winds were offshore but started to shift around mid morning. High tide was early around 4 am and low at 10 am.

Enjoy the photos we selected for this morning and yesterday evening. Stop by our office to view your personal photos, purchase them and/or book a private photo session. We are located at the entrance of the paved road on Carretera Potosi. Check out www.surfingnahua.com for further information about the area, activities, Northern Nicaragua vacation rentals, and real estate.

Northern Nicaragua surf report- May 2nd, 2018

Wednesday May 02, 2018

SURF SIZE: .7 meters
HIGH TIDE: 4.11 AM | 2.21 m
LOW TIDE: 10.11 AM | .29 m
WIND CONDITIONS: off/ cross shore
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